A happy couple taking a romantic selfie by the scenic riverside on a sunny day.

Discover The Couple’s Practice That Could Save Your Relationship!

You know how a car can’t run on a tire that’s leaking air? Well, a relationship can’t run on a connection that’s leaking energy. The Couple Bubble helps prevent leaky energetics from ruining your relationship. Here’s how it works!

As relationship theories go, the Couple Bubble is one of the best. It creates a safe space for your relationship to grow and thrive, but it might be something you’ve never even heard of! Here’s what it is and how it can make (or break) your relationship. 

What Is The Couple Bubble?

A couple shares a warm embrace under a coat in a rustic autumn field, expressing love and togetherness.

The Couple Bubble is the comfy, protective bubble around your relationship. It means what happens in the bubble(relationship), stays in the bubble. And what happens outside of the bubble, stays there too. 

Two’s company but three’s a crowd, and nowhere is that more prevalent, than in the inner workings of a relationship. What goes on behind closed doors, should stay there. Unfortunately, well-meaning friends and family members can sometimes get way too involved in our personal relationships. They can offer unsolicited, unfounded, or even ill-intentioned advice that can end up hurting our partner or tanking our relationship.

Not all advice is necessarily “good advice”, even if comes from a trusted source. Advice that works for one couple and marriage, doesn’t always work for another. That is because each couple and each relationship is unique. That means it is up to the two of you, to figure out what works best for you as a couple, regardless of what anyone else thinks.

Why The Couple Bubble Works

A loving couple relaxing on the sofa in a cozy home interior during the evening, enjoying a peaceful moment together.

Information is power as they say, and you do not ultimately want anyone having power over your relationship, but the two of you. So sharing intimate details of your partner and relationship with the outside world, can not only break trust, but it can also give the outside world, a managing stake in your relationship. By giving advice and making judgment calls, they are determining the relationship outcomes. 

Also as much as we may trust a parent or friend, all advice is not good advice, and not all people are well-intentioned. People have all kinds of motives and motivations and not all of them include your(or your partner’s) best interests. 

Even if it is well-intentioned, or “good” advice…

“Keep in mind what works for some couples isn’t what works for all couples. It may simply not be the best fit for you and your partner. “

Also, let’s be real, sometimes people just have genuinely bad advice, even if it’s well-intentioned. By keeping private information about your relationship–private–you ensure a safe space for you and your partner. Your relationship is able to grow and thrive without prying eyes–or opinions!

How To Put The Couple Bubble Into Practice

Couple enjoying a romantic evening with white wine in a stylish bar setting.

Your relationship should be your safe space. A place where you can be honest, open, and vulnerable, without the harsh criticism or prying eyes of the outside world. If there is a hole in Couple Bubble where information is being leaked, then it could cause you and your partner, to be less honest or open with each other. It can lead to feelings of resentment and distrust, two things that are quick and effective relationship enders.

1. One quick and effective way to implement the Couple Bubble is to set up boundaries with friends and family members. Avoid discussing intimate relationship details, conflicts, or communications with outside parties.

(For Help Implementing Boundaries-Check Out These Holiday Boundary Scripts!)

2. Another way to implement the Couple Bubble is to prioritize your partner’s feelings over people outside of the relationship. If it comes down to hurting your partner’s feelings vs. making an ex uncomfortable let’s say, prioritizing your partner’s needs, wants, and emotions will ensure the foundation of trust in your relationship.

(See an example of this in the Dear Apologies” Advice Column)

3. The final way to keep the Couple Bubble intact, is to avoid venting about your partner to acquaintances or sometimes even friends or family. (This definitely includes social media) All conversations about your partner should be positive, and solution-oriented. If you are simply venting or complaining about them, it causes unnecessary outside involvement and gives away details about the partnership that could come up in conversations later.


A couple relaxing and watching Netflix in a cozy living room setting.

One of the best ways to keep the Couple Bubble intact is to find a neutral party to discuss relationship issues, disagreements, or discomforts. A therapist, expert, counselor, or someone who is not emotionally or otherwise involved in the relationship.

Let’s be honest parents and friends are not always neutral, they have a bit of an investment in the outcome of the relationship–one way or the other. They also might not be able to see things clearly or with a neutral perspective. A professional can! And you know for sure anything you say to them will not get back to your partner.

They can give you a safe space to discuss issues and give you actionable and positive solutions and neutral feedback. Plus it keeps your family and friends out of the sometimes uncomfortable position of middle man in your relationship.

For Help With The Couple Bubble–>Book A Session!

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